Benefits of not drinking Alcohol
Alcohol consumption should be kept in moderation, according to the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans—up to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.
Alcohol consumption has been associated with malignancies of the head, neck, oesophagus, liver, breast, colon, and rectum (Reliable Source).
If you need a break from alcohol, abstaining for at least one month can have numerous positive effects on your physical and mental health.
Dr. Rekha B. Kumar, medical director of the American Board of Obesity Medicine, stated in an interview that "the benefits may vary depending on how much this behavior varies from an individual's regular routine."
A person who consumes minimally but abstains from alcohol for a month, according to Kumar, "might experience a sense of control over their health or a sense of achievement from reaching a predetermined objective.
"On the other hand, they might experience more pronounced physiologic effects, including weight loss, enhanced mental clarity, improved sleep quality, and a sense of detoxification," in addition to reaching their intended objective.
The medical director of clinical laboratories at the University of Kansas Medical Centre and author of "The Science of Drinking," Amitava Dasgupta, PhD, concurred.
Dr. Dasgupta stated that moderate and social drinkers will not be significantly affected by taking a month-long vacation.
Nevertheless, individuals who surpass the suggestions outlined in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
According to a reliable source, abstaining from alcohol for a month can result in improvements.
"Even if you consume excessive amounts of alcohol once per month, research indicates that it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke," Dasgupta said (Reliable Source).
"Those who take alcohol in moderate amounts are not the intended target of my warning. It is intended for persons who excessively use alcohol." (Reliable Source)
There are numerous health benefits of not drinking. Furthermore, we're not just referring to the absence of hangovers; although that is undoubtedly an advantage.
Some people who struggle with alcohol use disorder and alcohol withdrawal may experience some of these health benefits.
But for the time being, let us concentrate on the positive changes that can occur when you stop or eliminate your alcohol consumption.
Is it more healthy to stay away from Alcohol consumption?
Stopping alcohol is indeed healthier than moderate alcohol consumption.
In fact, according to a massive international study conducted in 2018, not even a small amount of alcohol is beneficial to one's health (Reliable Source).
Positive good news to share:
Although wine may contain compounds that have some potential health benefits, consuming alcohol is not necessary to obtain those advantages.
Even if you maintain a state of sober curiosity rather than achieving complete abstinence, you will still experience numerous health advantages associated with stopping alcohol consumption.
What advantages does stopping alcohol for even one month have to offer?
One month without consuming alcohol may result in weight loss, liver injury reversal, improved skin appearance, restful sleep, and much more.
The following is a chronology of the benefits of not drinking alcohol.
What occurs thirty days after abstaining from alcohol?
Regular or excessive drinkers can benefit their bodies by abstaining for one month in the following ways:.
1. Enhanced Liver function
Liver function is likely to recover almost immediately following abstinence from alcohol.
According to experts, the majority of alcoholics' livers can revert to normal function within four to eight weeks of abstinence.
When your liver no longer has to process all that alcohol, it can concentrate on other functions, such as efficiently excreting bile and regulating chemical levels in your blood. It will breathe an exhalation of relief.
The livers of heavy drinkers are frequently overburdened.
Hepatic cirrhosis and fatty liver disease are more prevalent among individuals who engage in excessive alcohol consumption.
Being clean will provide your liver with the opportunity to recover from the constant labour of eliminating alcohol from your circulation.
Additionally, alcoholic beverages induce oxidative stress in the liver because alcohol reduces the antioxidants in the liver.
Moreover, following liver injury, an extended immune response exacerbates inflammation within the liver.
Over time, excessive drinkers may develop cirrhosis of the liver, which is characterised by severe fibrosis of the liver.
"More alcohol consumption triggers hepatic fatty transformations, even if they fail to appear immediately.
which again is defined as more than two drinks per day for men and one alcoholic beverage daily for women," Dasgupta clarified. "These changes can be reversed; we can make the liver return to its normal state if you don't drink alcohol."
Positive changes, he said, can appear within weeks of going dry, due to the liver's tolerance.
Kumar further stated that when alcohol is absent, "the liver can concentrate on other functions, including the metabolism of fats and surplus hormones that require elimination and the breakdown of other toxins produced by the body."
Stopping alcohol consumption also resolves these liver issues.
2. Lower the risk of Heart disease
Dehydrogenases, an enzyme located in the liver, are responsible for breaking down alcohol (ReliableSource).
However, when alcohol consumption is excessive, the enzyme becomes saturated and undergoes a different enzyme's metabolism.
"Dasgupta stated that as it goes through this alternative pathway, several free radicals are generated.
These free radicals are capable of degrading LDL cholesterol.
When LDL is oxidized, it forms a blockage in the carotid arteries."
Conversely, moderate alcohol consumption does not affect LDL and increases healthy cholesterol (HDL) (ReliableSource).
"There are health benefits to drinking one to two glasses of wine once or twice each week, particularly for people over the age of 40; it lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. "These benefits are available to women at any time; there is no age restriction," Dasgupta stated.
However, more recent studies (2023) from a reliable source indicate that alcohol does not provide any protection against mortality for any reason.
Other studies came to similar conclusions, including this one from 2022, which discovered that moderate alcohol consumption among people under the age of 40 shows neither health benefits nor risks (Reliable Source).
"A moderate amount of alcohol is beneficial for the heart, whereas excessive alcohol increases the risk of cardiovascular disease," Dasgupta clarified.
Also, alcohol consumption may pose greater dangers to certain racial and ethnic groups than to others.
As an illustration, Dasgupta referenced his research concerning the correlation between genetics and alcohol abuse.
He noted that individuals of Chinese and Indian descent derive no benefit from alcohol consumption for an unidentified genetic reason.
As an individual with cardiovascular health concerns, Dasgupta advised stopping alcohol consumption and increasing physical activity, both of which promote the buildup of healthy cholesterol.
3. It reduces the risk of Cancer
The second-leading cause of mortality in the United States is cancer. The good news is that not drinking decreases the risk of developing cancer. (Reliable Source)
Due to the marketing-savvy alcohol industry and the widespread consumption of alcohol in our society, few individuals are aware that alcohol consumption raises the risk of cancer.
Without prompting, only 13% of 2100 English adults were aware of the association between alcohol and cancer, according to a survey.
When queried specifically, a mere one-third of people possessed knowledge or made an accurate guess regarding the association between alcohol and cancer.
Alcohol is a known carcinogen for humans. Research has demonstrated that this substance elevates the likelihood of developing the subsequent types of malignancies: oesophagal cancer, pharynx cancer, larynx cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, and ovarian cancer.
Light drinking, defined as consuming one drink or less per day, has been linked to a marginally increased likelihood of developing breast cancer in women and colorectal cancer in males.
Avoiding alcohol has numerous health benefits, one of which is a lower chance of developing cancer.
Since awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer is relatively low, you are welcome to bring it up at your next social gathering (just be sure to rave about your favourite alcohol-free wine options!).
In its Report on Carcinogens, ReliableSource, the National Toxicology Programme of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, identifies alcohol as a documented human carcinogen.
The risk of developing an alcohol-associated malignancy increases with the amount of alcohol consumed regularly over time, according to the report.
Evidence suggests that alcohol use is associated with an increased risk of developing the subsequent forms of cancer:
• colorectal; head and neck; esophagus; liver; breast;
According to 2013 data published in the American Journal of Public Health, alcohol was responsible for approximately 3.5% of cancer-related fatalities in the United States.
Alcohol influences at least 50% of all severe trauma injuries and fatalities from burns, drowning, and homicide.
In addition to suicides, it is implicated in four out of every ten fatal falls and collisions with vehicles.
It is not mandatory to be entirely dry to ensure one's safety. Even a one-third reduction in alcohol consumption can reduce the incidence of injuries and ill days.
4. Your Relationships might Improve
Moderate alcohol consumption in social settings can improve one's disposition and facilitate interpersonal connections.
However, drinking alone or downing multiple beverages per day may develop into an undesirable habit.
If not under control, alcohol consumption may progress to an illness known as an alcohol use disorder.
You may be able to devote more attention to your relationships, career, and health if you stop drinking.
Also, it may alleviate anxiety and depression and boost your self-esteem.
5. Promote the process of Weight Loss
Since excessive alcohol consumption may result in weight gain, abstaining from alcohol may cause some individuals to lose weight.
Although wine, beer, and mixed beverages contain added sugar and are high in calories, abstaining from alcohol may not always result in significant weight loss.
Weight loss may be seen among heavier consumers, although this is dependent upon their initial alcohol consumption, an improvement in body composition, less stomach fat, and an improvement in triglycerides (one of the fat particles in the blood) if they abstain from alcohol for an extended period of time," an expert said.
Experts may occasionally advise individuals to reduce their alcohol consumption as a means of weight loss, depending on the specific circumstances.
According to specialists, "As a trial, I have advised some patients who have enhanced every other aspect of their lives (diet is impeccable, exercise is at its peak, sleep is sufficient, stress is managed) to abstain entirely from alcohol for weight loss, to determine whether or not they are especially susceptible to the weight gain effects of alcohol."
During menopause, many women find that drinking leads to weight gain more readily than it did before this stage.
Kumar stated, however, that relying on a month-long abstinence from alcohol to help with weight loss is not advisable.
6. Your Sexual Life improves.
A little drink may make couples more agitated.
However, anything more than a few drinks a day has the opposite effect, particularly if you abuse or are addicted to alcohol. Men may have problems obtaining and maintaining an erection.
Women's sex drive may decrease, and their vagina may become drier. Reduce your alcohol consumption and see how it affects your romance.
7. Increase Brain Power.
According to Dasgupta, those under the age of 21 should always avoid alcohol, and not simply for legal reasons.
"The legal drinking age is 21 for a specific reason. Teenage and college drinking is a major issue. It can lead to memory loss and interfere with brain growth. "For college students, staying dry is the best thing to do," he stated.
The same is true for those who suffer from alcoholism or have a family history of it.
8. Promote Sound Sleep
It improves sleep Contrary to popular belief, drinking alcohol before bedtime does not promote sleep.
According to studies, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol before bedtime reduces sleep onset and causes interrupted, low-quality sleep later in the night.
Chronic sleep disturbance Reduced slow-wave sleep and increased rapid eye movement are all associated with alcohol abuse and dependence.
9. Promotes Healthier Skin
Healthier Skin Refraining from alcohol may result in healthier, more youthful skin due to its negative effects on moisture.
Because alcohol usage is linked to a variety of skin disorders, abstaining from it may significantly enhance your skin's health.
Some experts suggest that you may notice improvements in your skin as soon as one week after your last drink and that it may entirely rejuvenate itself within a month.
How long will it take you to feel the benefits of not drinking?
It may take one week to one month to feel the effects of not drinking.
Some experts suggest that your skin will improve within a week. Your liver will begin to mend almost immediately.
However, the majority of the health benefits of not drinking take roughly a month to fully take effect.
Even Dr. Michael Prager, a self-proclaimed Botox expert, admits that "even the very best Botox will never give you a glow as vibrant as a couple of months off the bottle."
There was a correlation between heavy alcohol consumption (more than one drink per day) and "volume loss in the midface, upper facial lines, and under-eyeswelling."
10. Less Frequent Sickness
You'll get sick less frequently if you don't drink, since too much alcohol weakens your immune system.
Infections and illnesses are fought off by your immune system, which is responsible for such protection.
As a result, abstaining from alcohol allows your body to fight infections and diseases more naturally.
Like heart disease, one drink a day may benefit immune system health, specifically by reducing inflammation and improving vaccine responses.
Anything more than one drink each day is really detrimental to your immune system.
Heavy drinking is linked to higher rates of bacterial and viral illnesses.
Alcohol has been shown to reduce your immune system's ability to fight and recover from bacterial and viral infections, liver and lung disease, cancer, and mild traumas and wounds.
When you don't drink, your immune system strengthens, so you'll get sick less frequently.
However, it is vital to understand that immunological dysfunction is common in contemporary society for several reasons.
Alcohol is just one of several factors that can impair your immune system.
Following a pandemic, we can all agree that strengthening our immune systems is a good idea.
11. Improved Concentration.
Alcohol interferes with your concentration.
For decades, it has been recognised that mental processes such as focus and attentiveness are reduced when someone's blood alcohol level is significantly lower than the legal limit.
According to a 2017 survey, a large proportion of American college students drink at a hazardous and damaging rate—something that almost everyone in the country could predict.
It's also likely that it has an impact on their capacity to concentrate and perform well in academics.
Excessive alcohol intake is linked to negative academic performance and mental health outcomes in undergraduate students, which is not unexpected.
Alcohol impairs concentration at work, even the next morning. Drinking can impair your job performance.
The benefit of not drinking alcohol is that your concentration will improve, as will your college (academic) or job performance.
12. Improved Mental Health.
Not drinking can benefit your mental health.
Bad mental health can contribute to both drinking and bad mental health.
In the short term, alcohol can alleviate anxiety and lower inhibitions.
However, drinking more than once a day raises the chance of developing or aggravating mental health disorders.
Alcohol can worsen depression and anxiety. Excessive alcohol use, in particular, has a deleterious effect on emotional regulation.
Heavy drinking can cause mood swings, increased hostility, and paranoia.
When it comes to mental health, it's a chicken-egg scenario.
Which came first? Alcohol or mental health issues? In most circumstances, the two are combined.
If there is someone close to you who has problems with their mental health from drinking excessively, give them morals and motivate them to get out of their addiction, and their mental health may make their life a lot better.
Symptoms of Alcohol withdrawal
The American Family Physician says that about half of the people who have an alcohol use problem (drinking too much and being obsessed with it) who abstain from or reduce their alcohol consumption will develop alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
These withdrawal signs happen when the central and autonomic nervous systems work too hard.
Some signs of alcohol withdrawal could come from well-known sources:
• a headache
• high blood pressure
• heart palpitations
• anxiety;
• stomach problems;
• sickness and nausea;
• hyperreflexia (muscles that react too strongly or too quickly)
• anger;
• trouble sleeping;
• trembling;
• dreams
If someone doesn't get help for their serious withdrawal symptoms, they could have generalised tonic-clonic seizures, delirium tremens, or even die.
Other good things about not drinking alcohol
Not only is it good for your health, but stopping drinking for any length of time will save you money.
According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the average family spent $579 a year on alcohol in 2019. That's about 1% of their yearly income.
Adding in the costs of drinking with other people in places like clubs, restaurants, and bars, the amount might be higher.
You might be spending even more when you consider things like paying for a ride so you don't have to drive drunk.
The Last Word
If you drink more than the suggested two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women, giving up alcohol for 30 days might help you.
"If you stop drinking for a month and then start drinking again, you are not doing good for your body.
It's better to cut back on liquor if you are drinking too much, Dasgupta said.
"If you don't drink alcohol for more than 90 days, it will help you more by providing more time to heal your liver and heart."
Kumar said that a month-long abstinence from drinking won't hurt people who drink in balance, but it might not help them either.
Kumar said that a month-long abstinence from drinking won't hurt people who drink in balance, but it might not help them either.
Kumar said, "Some people have learned to drink alcohol in a way that is very reasonable and helps their mental and social health without harming their health."
If these people stopped all healthy, moderate, or social spending, it might affect their social relationships, the way they eat, and their stress-management routines in a mild way.
If you drink a lot, your body might fight you at first if you stop drinking.
You might break out in cold sweats, feel sick, throw up, have shaky hands, and feel very anxious.
It's even possible for some people to have seizures or see things that aren't there.
Your doctor or a therapist who works with people who abuse drugs can help you and may even give you medicine like benzodiazepines or carbamazepine to help you get through it.
FAQs : Benefit of not drinking Alcohol
Can giving up drinking be good for your health?
It can, yes. If you drink too much, abstaining from alcohol for a while can be good for your heart, liver, and body. The benefits are different for each person, though.
How much booze is okay to drink?
Dietary Guidelines for Americans say that people should drink alcohol in balance, with women being able to have up to one drink per day and men being able to have up to two drinks per day.
If I stop drinking, will I go through withdrawal symptoms?
An American Family Physician says that about half of people with an alcohol use disorder (drinking too much or too often) who quickly stop drinking or cut back will experience signs or symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
Headaches, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, nausea, and vomiting are just a few of the symptoms that can happen. At the most severe level, people might die.
When I stop drinking, will I lose weight?
Could be. Even though wine, beer, and mixed drinks are high in calories and sugar, cutting back on them might help you lose weight, but it depends on how much you drink every day.