Fun facts for Monkeys
Dear readers, I am providing facts about monkey in this article.
You will certainly enjoy reading about facts of monkeys those have been unknown for long.
Monkeys are social, intelligent animals. They belong to the primate group of mammals, which also includes humans and apes.
There are over 200 distinct monkey species.
They are classified as either old-world monkeys or new-world monkeys by scientists.
The examples of old-world monkeys are :-
- Baboons,
- Drills,
- Guenons,
- Langurs,
- Mandrills,
- Macaques, and
- Colobus.
The examples of old-world monkeys are :-
- Spider monkeys,
- Tamarins, and
- Capuchins
Continue reading for facts of a monkey and enjoy to enhance your awareness.
Nature Education says Old World monkeys have downward-pointing nostrils and dwell in Asia and Africa.
North and South American New World monkeys have outward-pointing nostrils.
Bananas are a favorite in the diet of many monkey species, however, their diets vary greatly depending on where they live and what foods are available.
In 2013, BBC News reported that saki monkeys can consume up to 50 different fruit types every day.
The majority of monkeys are omnivores; they consume both plant-based foods, such as fruits and nuts and meat, including lizards and bird eggs.
Primate monkeys are primarily found in tropical forests.
Although macaques and baboons are terrestrial, the majority of primates live in trees.
New World monkeys, such as spider monkeys, tamarins, and capuchins, inhabit Mexico, and South and Central America.
Old World monkeys, such as baboons, gelada, and colobus, inhabit Asia and Africa. Numerous monkey species are endangered.
Fun facts of Monkeys
Discover the most amazing facts about monkeys, from their prehensile tails to their incredibly smart tool use.
information of a monkey will make you amazed, happy reading.
- 1 -
Not all monkeys are primates
People sometimes use the word "monkey" to refer to any primate, but the truth is that apes like :-
- Chimpanzees,
- Gorillas, and
- Humans, etc.
Prosimians are on completely different branches of the evolutionary tree than monkeys like :-
- Lemurs,
- Tarsiers, and
- Lorises.
The tail is a big difference between monkeys and other primates.
Most monkeys have tails, but apes and other primates don't. Apes tend to be bigger than monkeys and smarter because they have higher IQs.
- 2 -
They groom to make their relationships stronger.

Credit : James Warwick / Getty Images
When monkeys pick bugs, dirt, and other things of their friends, it has nothing to do with how clean they are.
Instead, it's a sign of affection and love. Monkeys have grooming rituals that not only keep them healthy but also help them bond with each other and feel more at ease.
Scientists have found that when vervet monkeys comb each other's fur, it makes it thicker and fluffier.
The insulation value of a vervet monkey's fur goes up by up to 50% after a good grooming. 10
- 3 -
Just New World Monkeys Have Prehensile Tails

Just New World monkeys in the Atelidae family members, like howler monkeys and spider monkeys, as well as capuchins in the Cebidae family, have prehensile tails.
These arboreal primates live in the exotic areas of Mexico, Central America, and South America.
Old World monkeys, which reside in Asia as well as Africa, have tails, but they are not prehensile.
In size and also clutching capability, spider monkeys and also howler monkeys have a side on capuchins.
Spider monkeys have tails that are longer than their whole bodies.
Their tails are likewise hairless as well as have friction pads for far better grasping.11
Capuchins, which have hair-covered tails that are not nearly as long, mainly use their tails to grasp branches as well as lug fruit with the forest.
- 4 -
Monkeys are categorized right into 2 major groups
These extraordinary creatures are classified into 2 primary groups: Old World monkeys as well as New World monkeys.
Old-world monkeys, likewise called Cercopithecidae, are one of the most prominent primate families.
These varieties of monkeys live in Africa and Asia.
What's strange concerning Old World monkeys is their downward-pointing nostrils.
Additionally, numerous Old World monkeys have bags in their cheeks for holding food.
There are baboons, proboscis, mandrill, colobus, and patas monkeys among the Old World monkeys.
In contrast, New World monkeys are restricted to North and South America.
In comparison with the Old World Monkey, their nose is flatter.
Examples of New World monkeys consist of spider monkeys, capuchin monkeys, squirrel monkeys, woolly monkeys, and howler monkeys.
- 5 -
Monkeys have tails
Image by Vivek Sharma on Unsplash
Both Old World monkeys and New World monkeys have tails.
New World monkeys like spider and howler monkeys have prehensile (capable of understanding) tails.
Old World monkey species have non-grasping as well as much shorter tails. The longest tail comes from the women spider monkey.
With a body size of about 2 feet long, these varieties can have a tail of 3 feet in size.
Their tails can even lug their body weight as well as pick up objects like peanuts.
Just New World monkeys in the Atelidae family members, like howler monkeys, spider monkeys, and capuchins in the Cebidae family, have prehensile tails.
These extraordinary creatures are categorized into two main teams: Old World monkeys as well as New World monkeys.
Instances of New World monkeys consist of spider monkeys, capuchin monkeys, squirrel monkeys, woolly monkeys, and also howler monkeys.
Both Old World monkeys and also New World monkeys have tails.
New World monkeys like a spider and also howler monkeys have prehensile (capable of grasping) tails.
The majority of monkeys inhabit tropical climates.
The majority of monkeys inhabit tropical climates in :-
- South and Central America,
- Asia, and Africa.
South American tropical regions near the Amazon rainforest are home to New World monkeys.
Additionally, some are in northern and southern Mexico.
In Africa and Asia, the Old World monkeys inhabit rainforests, savannas, and mountains.
Baboons inhabit savannas, forested areas, and slopes.
Gelada and golden monkeys reside in the mountains, whereas vervet monkeys prefer to inhabit areas near lakes and streams.
In the majority of the planet, monkeys inhabit trees, grasslands, forests, mountains, and high plains.
- 6 -
A group of monkeys is sometimes known as a troop.

The collective term for a group of monkeys is "troop," "tribe, or "mission."
Individual monkeys that dwell and travel together in quest of food constitute a troop. Additionally, they work to care for their young monkeys.
Typically, a group has social structures. The majority of the time, it's a one-man show.
A group of female monkeys are led by a male monkey, who can mate with any of the females.
However, he can be threatened by other males attempting to replace him.
The troop structures of howler monkeys and patas monkeys are examples of this. Traveling in groups also provides protection against predators.
- 7 -
Only one species of wild monkey exists in Europe.

Laura BC / Getty Images
Barbary macaques are the only nonhuman primates found in nature in Europe.
While the majority of Barbary macaques live in the mountains of Morocco and Algeria, Gibraltar is home to a small group of approximately 200 individuals.
These macaques, who have lived in Gibraltar for generations, were introduced from Northern Africa, according to DNA tests. 12
Over the past 24 years, the population of Barbary macaques has decreased by more than 50 percent, placing them in an endangered status over their entire habitat.
- 8 -
Some monkeys have Opposable thumbs

Photo by Jamie Haughton on Unsplash
There are other animals than human beings that have opposable thumbs.
Opposable thumbs are needed for realizing and can revolve in different instructions.
They are rare among pets since most of them do not require thumbs to survive.
However, they are quite prevalent in several monkeys from the old world as well as the new world.
Old World monkeys like baboons, macaques, as well as grivets, use their thumbs to hold onto trees and things.
A couple of New World monkeys, like the night monkey, capuchin, and squirrel monkey, have opposable thumbs.
Other animals like koalas, apes, as well as chimp species, also have opposable thumbs.
- 9 -
The smallest Monkey is the Pygmy Marmoset.

Brian Guzzetti/ Design Pics/ Getty Images
This small New World monkey from South America's Amazon Basin is about five inches long and weighs about four ounces in adulthood. 14
Pygmy marmosets (Callithrix pygmaea) live in teams of two to 6 individuals, as well as in monogamous pairs that share parental duties.
Females give birth to one to 3 infants, regularly including fraternal twins.
Although the pygmy marmoset is the tiniest monkey, the award for the smallest living primate goes to Madame Berthe's mouse lemur. 15.
- 11 -
Mandrills are the biggest monkeys in the world.

Photo by Jessy Hoffmann on Unsplash
Mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) live in the tropical rainforests of central west Africa.
Their brightly colored faces and backs make them easy to recognize.
Mandrills are different from other monkeys because, in addition to their color, men and women are very different sizes. 16
Adult female mandrills weigh on average about 25 pounds, while adult male mandrills weigh between 55 and 119 pounds on average.
- 12 -
Squirrel monkeys can make a variety of noises
If you've ever heard a monkey, you know that its sounds can be quite loud. Sounds like screams, squawks, and barks.
I bet you didn't know this, but the squirrel monkey is quite talkative.
These animals can make at least 26 different sounds, including purrs, screams, and more.
Squirrel monkeys eat nuts, leaves, bugs, and small animals with backbones.
They can jump and run very well, and they mostly live in trees. During the day, they are also very active, and at night, they sleep in groups.
- 13 -
Some Monkeys like to wet in a hot bath to relax.

from Unsplash by Steven Diaz
The Japanese Macaques, which are also called Snow Monkeys, live in four regions of Japan.
They can live in hot mountain springs, subtropical forests, highlands, and other places with different weather and temperatures.
Japanese Macaque monkeys go to the volcanic hot springs at Jigokudani Monkey Park in Japan to take a hot bath and relax.
Researchers have found that these hot baths help these monkeys feel less stressed1.
- 14 -
Bald Uakari Face color may reflect Health

Steve Cukrov/ Shutterstock
Bald Uakari has striking red faces.
Scientists have actually discovered anecdotal evidence recommending that the brighter the face, the much healthier these New World monkeys are.
Individuals that are ill - commonly with malaria, which is prevalent in their rain forest environment- exhibit a paler complexion.17.
These monkeys likewise have outstanding shade vision, which helps them determine which individuals are healthiest and best-suited for mating.18.
- 15 -
Capuchin monkeys are skilled with tools.

Dorit Bar-Zakay/ Getty Images.
Capuchin monkeys are known for being truly intelligent.
These monkeys are claimed to be knowledgeable about devices.
Capuchins was just one of the very first primates other than apes to be observed taking part in extremely competent tool usage in the wild.
According to an archaeological study of capuchin stone tool usage, wild bearded capuchins have been making use of devices for greater than 3,000 years.19
During that time, their device use evolved - a skill previously just credited to humans.
The most common example of intelligent tool usage in capuchins is the way they crack open nuts, which is by placing them on pitted stone "anvils" and after that striking them hard with an additional rock.
According to the archaeological research study, they adjusted the dimension of their tools - using smaller sized rocks for seeds as well as softer nuts - over time.
Another impressive example of the intelligence of capuchins is the way they massage crushed-up millipedes on their bodies to ward off mosquitos as well as other insects.20.
- 16 -
The first primate to travel to space was a monkey.
Yes, the rhesus monkey was the first animal to travel into space, before even humans.
Albert I, a Rhesus monkey, was sent into space before humans to test its safety.
It was necessary for scientists to test their ability to send a living organism into space and bring it back unharmed.
This monkey space launch occurred on June 11, 1948, in White Sands, New Mexico.
Scientists also utilized other animals, such as chimpanzees and dogs.
- 17 -
Monkeys sleep while sitting on a Tree

Photo by Jeffrey Hamilton on Unsplash
Monkeys rest while sitting on trees. They select their nighttime roost, balancing on branches while resting upright.
They do so for both comfort and protection against predators.
Monkeys may sleep up to 9.5 hours, which is significantly longer than the average human sleep duration of 8 hours.
Night monkeys, such as owl monkeys, can sleep up to 17 hours each day.
The owl monkey has big eyes and enhanced night vision. They can also communicate using olfactory cues.
- 18 -
Monkeys are associated with some religious rituals.
Hanuman is the name of a human-like monkey god in Hinduism. People say Hanuman commanded an army of monkeys.
This god is also believed to possess extraordinary abilities and to grant long life, strength, and courage to people who believe in him.
The Diana monkey was also named for its crescent-shaped brow, which resembled the bow of the goddess of hunting, Diana.
- 19 -
When it rains, the Myanmar species sneezes

Credit: Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
The Burmese sneezing monkey, also called the black snub-nosed monkey, is a new species of monkey that can't stop sneezing when it rains.
In 2010, scientists found these monkeys for the first time in Myanmar's Gaoligong Mountains.
They have long black hair, white hairs sticking out of their ears, a moustache, a pale face, pink skin, and a white beard on their chin.
Because their nose is turned up, the rain gets into them and makes them sneeze.
When it's raining or foggy, these monkeys put their heads between their knees.
Experts say that these monkeys are an endangered species because there are only about 300 of them left.
Scientists think that when it rains, their loud sneezes could let hunters know where they are.
- 20 -
Lesula monkeys have faces that look like people's.
The Lesula monkey is a species of monkey that was only found by scientists in 2007.
In the center of the Republic of Congo, you can find these monkeys sitting on branches in the rainforests.
They travel with smaller groups of other animals and tend to be very shy.
The way these monkeys look is what makes them interesting.
They have flat faces and noses, eyes that look like human eyes, and eyes that appear like human eyes.
From their chins to their chests, their fur is blonde, but the rest of their bodies have black fur.
These monkeys are also on the list of species that are in danger of disappearing completely.
- 21 -
Howler monkeys make the most Noise.
Even though all monkeys can make noise, howler monkeys have one of the loudest sounds of any land animal.
The roar of a howler monkey can be heard up to three miles away. 21
The male howler monkey is bigger and makes more noise than the female.
The howler monkey's deep sound comes from an enlarged hyoid bone in its throat, which has helped the species survive.
- 22 -
Settlements because of the proximity to food.
Pygmy marmosets are the smallest species of Pygmy Marmoset. Photo: Shutterstock
The Pygmy marmoset is the smallest of various other monkeys, with a body size of only concerning 14cm.
Their grey hair has yellow, environment-friendly, and black marks on their back and also heads.
The pygmy marmoset also has long as well as sharp dogs for consumption.
The female pygmy marmoset gives birth to one to three babies and often to fraternal twins.
These smallest monkey species reside in groups of two to six people.
They thrive in river-edge woodlands and dwell in lower elevations of the forest.
They prevent forest floorings and also elevations above 18cm from the ground degree.
- 23 -
Rhesus Monkeys Have the Most Nonhuman Primate Species
Istvan Kadar Photography/ Getty Images
Old World rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) are native to Asia, but their remarkable flexibility has resulted in their spreading out around the world.
According to the CABI Invasive Species Compendium, populations of rhesus monkeys, which are considered invasive because they are nonnative, currently live in :-
- Florida,
- South Carolina, and
- Puerto Rico.
They are making their range the largest of any nonhuman primate.
LiveScience stated, "Because of their diversified diet and ability to survive in a variety of habitats, from tropical forests to freezing, mountainous locations, they have the potential to become widespread on every continent except Antarctica."
- 24 -
Monkeys don't just eat bananas. They eat a lot more.
You may imagine a banana when considering what a monkey eats, but their diets are much more diverse than that.
Monkeys are mostly omnivores, they eat
- nuts,
- fruits,
- leaves,
- flowers,
- vegetables,
- bark,
- insects,
- rats,
- birds,
- reptiles,
- amphibians, and
- a lot of other things.
Basically, they eat whatever is around them.
In fact, because bananas are a farming plant, they're not typically located in the wild, so most monkeys have likely never tasted a banana before.
- 25 -
Many Monkeys species are Endangered
Some of the most interesting monkey species are going extinct quickly because of things that only happen in certain places.
The biggest problems are habitat loss and fragmentation, live animals being taken for the international pet trade, and hunting for bushmeat or traditional medicines.
Several primates are included on the IUCN's list of the 25 most endangered species.
Some of the most endangered Old World monkeys are the roloway monkey, the Niger Delta red colobus, and the Cat Ba langur, of which only about 30 remain.
The cotton-headed tamarin, the white-fronted capuchin of Ecuador, and the pied tamarin are all New World monkeys that are in danger of going extinct. 272829
Last Word from Fact For Ever
Monkeys are sociable animals that typically live in groups; a "troop" is a group of monkeys.
There are a number of social systems among monkeys.
One of the most common troop arrangements is the one-man group, which consists of a male leading a group of females and other males that often stay near a specific place. 1
Solitary or male-only monkeys include African patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) and Central and South American howler monkeys.
Monkeys create and maintain deep social relationships through behaviors such as grooming.
Monkeys shriek, yell, and chatter like humans. According to the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, D.C., howler monkeys can be heard up to 3 miles (4.8 kilometers) away.
Male howler monkeys from separate groups call each other in the morning and while migrating to a new feed site to claim feeding trees.
Howling helps troops locate each other so they don't have to patrol their territory or battle for resources.
A 2019 Frontiers in Psychology study discovered that Old World monkeys can combine two items in a language sequence but do not utilize the open-ended language humans use, where we can string together a theoretically limitless amount of words.
However, monkeys communicate via body language.
Their body language can have quite distinct implications than similar body language in people.
Live Science revealed that monkeys' teeth-baring is a sign of fear or aggressiveness, not a smile. Monkey hostility also includes yawning and head bobbing.
facts of monkeys : People also ask
What do primates eat?
All varieties of monkeys have vastly different diets, but seeds, flowers, eggs, fruits, leaves, nuts, and small insects, including spiders, are the most common foods they consume.
They will consume almost anything that smells nice or nasty...
They are extremely social and have a generally amiable disposition towards humans.
However, some of them are quite naughty, as they can cause extensive crop damage. They are considered a pest.