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Fun facts about Hitler


Facts About Hitler You Didn't Know About

Adolf Hitler was a German politician born in Austria who dictated Germany from 1933 until 1945. 

As the leader of the Nazi Party, Hitler rose to power, became Chancellor in 1933 and subsequently Führer und Reichskanzler in 1934.

 He had a crush on a Jewish girl.

Hitler with Eva Braun

It seems odd that a man who was hell-bent on abolishing the Jewish religion and everyone who was Jewish had a crush on a Jewish girl.

He wasn't the evil villain while he was in school. He grew up to be a Jewish girl named Stephanie Isaac, and he had a crush on her. He used to be really shy, and he never told her how he felt when he was younger.

In some of his daydreams, he did have fantasies about her. They went away together in some cases, while in others he was abducting her for his own pleasure and they were killing one other.

It's possible that he was so brutal with the Jews since she was the one who went away from his life.

 Addict of Drugs and Bull Semen

Throughout his life, he took medications and bull semen.

According to Hitler's medical documents, which were auctioned at Alexander historical auctions and Stanford Connecticut, the dictator took a lot of medications.

Throughout his life, he took around 30 prescription drugs. According to records, he claimed to using cocaine and told his people that he required it to clear his nasal passages.

Finally, there have been claims that Hitler injected himself with bull sperm to increase his desire when he went to bed with lemon.

 Suffering from Gastrointestinal and  Digestive Problem

During most of his life, Hitler suffered from severe Gastrointestinal (GI) problems. He became severely gassy as a result of these issues.

He was also troubled with Indigestion, Diarrhoea, Constipation, and Acute distress after meals. 

It makes you wonder whether he was afraid to let one fly in front of tens of thousands of people.

The army was not aware of his GI issues.

 William Patrick

Willaim Patrick Niece of Hitler

Hitler had a nephew, William Patrick, who was serving in the US Navy during 1911. 

He was son of Hitler's brother. William Patrick family went to settle the United States and he was born in Ireland.

He served in the US Navy and fought against his uncle.

He is said to have fought alongside his uncle, and it is thought that he was planted there to discover more about enemy so that the US could be taken down once the war ended in 1933.

In 1942, he traveled to Germany and began working at the Reich Credit Bank in Berlin. The Soviet Union imprisoned William, and he was killed on Hitler's orders.

 Illegal relatin with niece and women

Delhi Rommel with Hitler

This is the most disappointing of all the facts described here. Hitler had a reputation for grabbing on ladies, whether they accepted it or not.

He had no problems about enforcing women in his bedroom. He didn't leave it at that. He was also fascinated by his niece, Delhi Rommel.

In 1931, it was claimed that the two had a sexual relationship.

She died in an apparent suicide, according to officials. People are assuming that Hitler was to blame for her death ever since she died. She died while she was only 23 years old.

 Had only one Testicles

Many people believe that because Hitler only had one testicle, he developed an inferiority complex and felt compelled to rule with an iron hand.

He was born with two testicles, but when he was fighting for Germany during World War first he got injured.

Hitler poing finger one

As a result his testicle got damaged, and doctors had to remove one of them to save his life. It was the Battle of the Somme in 1916, where he was injured.

People even made up funny songs on the fact that he only had one testicle throughout WW-II. He was also said to have had an extremely little penis, according to rumour.

 Survived 42 Assasination plot

Hitler Assination Attack

During his reign of terror, he was the target of 42 political assassinations. Hitler escaped 42 assassination attempts. At a gathering at the Kaiser HOF hotel, someone tried to poison him.

Unknown assassins attempted to kill him twice in 1934, twice in 1937, and twice in 1943, according to the Elector group in CONUS Berg.

Klaus von Stauffenberg made the most famous attempt. In Wolf's Lair, he plotted to kill Hitler. Operation Beltre was the code name for the attempted attack.

Klaus wanted to kill Hitler in order to seize control of Germany and its army.

 Book Mein Kamph, that influence Germans

During World War I, he served in the army. He failed in his attempt to take over Germany in 1923.

As a result, he was imprisoned, and while prison, he wrote his well-known book, Mean Kemp (My Struggle).

He described his aims to make Germany a superpowers in his book.

His two parts were published after he was released from prison.

Mein Kamph Book cover

His appeal pulled the Germans in straight away. In the 1934 elections, Hitler got the most votes.

He created a people-centered national socialist system led by a single leader rather than a dictator. Swastika became the NATZI Party's official symbol.

 He was School Droptout

Hitler School time

Hitler disliked education and was uninterested in it. He also hated being told what to do by his teachers, so he dropped out when he was sixteen years old.

Given that he went on to be the ruler of a country and command an army, this is somewhat surprising. Art and war were two subjects in school that he enjoyed.

At one point in his life, he even studied Fine Arts in Venice, Italy.

 Wanted to be Priest first

Hitler with Priest

When Hitler was 14 years old, he aspired of becoming a priest. In the middle of the winter, he fell in a lake.

He was rescued from the lake by a priest, who saved him from frostbite and hypothermia.

Because of the priest's influence on his life, he decided to pursue a career as a priest.

He learnt about history and conflict as he grew older, and he decided that rather than serving God, he wanted to be God.

If he had just followed to his original aim of becoming a priest number, the world would have been a very different place.

 Didn't know Driving

Throughout his entire life and reign of terror, he was still unable to drive. Hitler was never taught how to drive.

Some thought he had little interest in driving, while others said he didn't want to risk failing because he was the commander of an army.

He never learned to drive a car, which is odd.