Fun facts about Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein's name is frequently used when the term "genius" is used.
The theory of relativity, one of the primary foundations of contemporary physics, is one of his best-known works.
He is also credited with inventing the mass-energy equivalency, or E=mc2, which is the world's most famous equation.
Albert Einstein's various scientific achievements have transformed people's perceptions of the universe and how it functions.
These fascinating Albert Einstein facts will help you learn more about this remarkable physicist.
Here, you will not find 10 facts about Albert Einstein (even not only 5 facts about Albert Einstein).
You will read here 27 facts about Albert Einstein very soon.
Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany.
Fascinating Facts About Albert Einstein: A blog post about Albert Einstein's fascinating facts.
1. An astronomer made Einstein's Theory of Relativity famous
Famous astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington confirmed Einstein's theory of Relativity on May 29, 1919, when he observed the apparent deflection of stars from their normal locations during a solar eclipse.
This phenomenon occurs because, according to Einstein's theory, gravity bends the path of light when it approaches a big object such as our Sun.
Astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington, observing a solar eclipse, confirmed Einstein's theory of relativity on May 29, 1919.
This occurs because, according to Einstein's theory, gravity bends the path of light when it approaches a big object such as our Sun.
This phenomenon is visible during a solar eclipse when the Moon blocks the Sun's light.
2. Albert became passionate about physics thanks to a compass his father gave him.
He was interested in the way the magnets moved inside the compass and pondered about it later in life when developing his thoughts about relativity.
3. Albert Einstein was the first person to win the Nobel Prize twice
Albert Einstein is recognized as one of the most intelligent people in history.
He was the first person to win the Nobel Prize twice, despite never having a college degree.
He was a thinker of extraordinary originality who, in his own lifetime, was awarded the two highest prizes of his profession:
- the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921, and
- the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1955.
He was also the first person to be awarded the United States Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States.
He is best known for his Theory of Relativity and his equations E = mc2 which are often cited as the most famous scientific equation in history.
Despite never having a college degree, he became the first person to win the Nobel Prize twice.
4. His family had grave concerns about him when he was a child.

Source: Wikimedia Commons
When Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, his parents were concerned that he was abnormal due to his huge and misshapen head.
Their doctor was optimistic, and Einstein's head returned to normal shape within a few weeks.
His grandma, on the other hand, exclaimed, "Much too fat, much too fat!" the first time she saw him.
Einstein's parents later suspected he was intellectually impaired since he did not talk until he was four years old.
One night at dinner, he broke his silence by stating,
"The soup is too hot."
When his parents wondered why he hadn't spoken earlier, the little Einstein replied, "Because everything was in order up until now."
Even yet, until he was nine years old, he talked only haltingly, practicing words in his head or under his breath until he got them correctly.
5. Einstein was expelled from school.
When Einstein was 15, he was expelled from class for refusing to attend the Social Science and History Classes.
It was considered against the discipline of one of his professors.
His impertinence irritated his professors in college, and he never tried to hide the fact that he found their classes uninteresting.
But, he was interested in mathematics and mathematics lectures.
6. The Case of the Stolen Brain
When Albert Einstein died, a man named Thomas Harvey carried out an illegal autopsy and stole his brain!
He kept portions of the preserved brain in two mason jars for decades, storing them in his Philadelphia lab, basement, and a cider box under a beer cooler.
7. He was the father of an illegitimate daughter
Mileva, Einstein's first wife, was discovered to be pregnant before they married.
Mileva returned to her family and gave birth to a girl named Lieserl, since they were too poor to marry.
It is unknown what happened to the girl or if Einstein ever saw her because Einstein and Mileva kept the child's existence a secret.
Lieserl is thought to have died of scarlet fever or been put up for adoption while still a baby.
8. Albert Einstein was a vegetarian.
Albert Einstein was a vegetarian, and he chose to go mostly vegetarian in his old age for two reasons.
- He was plagued with digestive disorders that made eating meat difficult.
- He had developed some moral compunctions during old age about eating meat.
Albert Einstein was accused of being a vegetarian because, according to some sources, he ate a vegetarian diet in his old age.
However, the truth is that Einstein did not eat a vegetarian diet in his old age. He ate meat, but he was a vegetarian by nature.
10. He set strict terms and conditions for his First Wife
After becoming a prominent professor, Einstein broke apart from his first wife, Mileva.
After they attempted to reunite, Einstein proposed a "contract" under which they may live together in the future.
His terms were as follows:
A. You will ensure that
- my clothes and laundry are kept in good condition;
- I receive my three meals on a regular basis in my room;
- my bedroom and study are kept neat, and especially that my desk is reserved for my exclusive use.
B. You will renounce all personal relationships with me that aren't absolutely necessary for societal purposes.
He also requested that "you cease talking to me if I ask you to."
Mileva accepted Einstein's terms and conditions. Sometimes both ultimately get divorced.
11. Einstein's cousin Elsa got romantically connected with him

Source: Underwood and Underwood, New York / Wikipedia
While Albert was separated from his first wife, Mileva and Elsa were recognized for their dedication to him.
They both became lifelong partners till their deaths.
She also served as a gatekeeper, scaring away unwelcome visitors.
12. He never touched the money from his Nobel Prize.
On February 14, 1919, Einstein divorced his first wife, Mileva.
Einstein signed away all future Nobel Prize money as part of their divorce settlement, in the event that he won it.
The funds were put into a trust for his two kids. His wife could take the money's interest, but she couldn't use the capital.
13. Einstein's hobby was playing the Violin.

Einstein's mother, a musician, wanted him to be associated with music, so when he was five years old, she enrolled him in violin lessons.
Although Einstein hated his lessons at first, after hearing several Mozart sonatas, he changed his mind.
Now he fell in love with the violin, which he continued to play until his death a few years later.
Like many other children, I began taking music classes at an early age, though mine began with piano at the age of seven.
Unlike Einstein, I was enamoured with the piano from the moment I began lessons and continued until the middle of high school, when I switched to marching band and then to the bassoon and symphonic band in college.
14. Albert Einstein was a Pacifist.
Albert Einstein had been a lifelong pacifist. His ideas on peace can still appeal to us now.
We need his wisdom today, when the search for peace has become vital to our survival as human beings.
Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds of all time, was a pacifist their whole life.
Even though the world has not always followed his advice, his thoughts on peace and his life's work still speak to us today.
We need his wisdom today, when the search for peace has become significantly vital to our survival.
His life and decisions are a testament to the power of pacifism, a life he lived with a strong conviction for peace.
He was an author, physicist, philosopher, and humanitarian. His contributions to science have had an enormous influence on the world.
15. Einstein was not awarded the Nobel Prize for Theory of Relativity (E = mc2)
The year 1921 was significant for Albert Einstein because he was awarded the Nobel Prize in the area of Physics.
It was for his services to theoretical physics, particularly for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect.
The Nobel Committee stated that "it was awarding Einstein the prize without taking into account the importance that will be attributed to your relativity and gravitational theories after they are proved in the future."
While scientist Arthur Eddington proved Einstein's theory of relativity in 1919 through his research during a solar eclipse, the Nobel Committee believed Eddington's research to be too questionable (under doubt) to be considered for confirmation.
16. Albert Einstein was named Time Magazine's Man of the Year three times.
Albert Einstein was the first person to have been named Time Magazine's Man of the Year three times.
He was chosen in 1921, 1931, and 1932. As a young man, he did not hold a job, but instead he spent his time pursuing three passions:
- Science,
- Politics, and
- Culture.
He came to America from Germany when he was 30 years old.
He was subsequently awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics and went on to become the most famous scientist ever.
17. Albert Einstein had a photographic memory.
Einstein had a notoriously bad memory.
He couldn't recall dates and couldn't even remember his own phone number.
As a student, one of his professors remarked that he had a poor memory.
When he was on a train, the conductor approached him to collect his ticket. Einstein started looking through his pockets, but the conductor recognized him and told him he could ride for free.
"Einstein thanked TTE, "but if I don't get my ticket, where do I have to get off the train?"
18. Albert Einstein was an avid Chess player.
Albert Einstein was an avid chess player and is considered by many to be one of the greatest minds of the 20th century.
He was also a friend of Emanuel Lasker, who was a world chess champion.
It's said that Einstein could play chess, though he reportedly disliked the competitive aspect of the game.
Einstein was the best chess player, even though he never participated in any chess championships.
He played chess, and was good at it, with a rating of 2434 in 1932. He was a member of the Manhattan Chess Club and reportedly learned the game at the age of six.
His analytical abilities made him a very good player, and he was also able to formulate strategies based on the moves of his opponents.
Some of his other interests included: painting, photography, and music.
19. Albert Einstein was a Type A personality.
Albert Einstein was a man with type A personality.
Type A personality characteristics are
- Active,
- Energetic,
- Ambitious, and
- Target-oriented.
They strive to achieve and look for perfection in themselves and others.
"He was curious, independent, and observant.
He was likely to approach interactions with others in a logical way, rather than relying on emotion.
Einstein was also very intelligent, and his work brought him worldwide recognition.
20. Albert Einstein was a member of the National Socialist Party.
Albert Einstein was a member of the National Socialist Party. He supported socialism and opposed capitalism throughout his life.
In his speech, "Why Socialism?", Einstein said, "The socialist idea is not a new idea.
It has been in practice since the ancient Greek period. However, the great French Revolution gave the socialist idea its practical expression.
The proletarian movement that swept Europe in 1848, which culminated in the Paris Commune, was a socialist movement."