List of Presidents and vice presidents

What is the presidential election called
The presidential election is the election of the head of any country who is officially entitled President of state.
If you want to know first ten president of usa, then you can get summary of U.S. presidents.
For your enrichment of knowledge, we have listed about presidents of the United States in chronological order.
We are discussing the United States of America's Presidents and Vice-Presidents Term of office till now.
By reading this list you will come to know how many vice presidents have been elected president.
Now find lists of presidents and years as well as lists of vice presidents and years.
You will also find, there are many vice presidents who became president..
U.S. Presidents Timeline
No. | President | Vice President | Years of Service |
1. | George Washington | John Adams | Apr. 30, 1789–Mar. 3, 1797 |
2. | John Adams | Thomas Jefferson | Mar. 4, 1797–Mar. 3, 1801 |
3. | Thomas Jefferson | Aaron Burr | Mar. 4, 1801–Mar. 3, 1805 |
Thomas Jefferson | George Clinton | Mar. 4, 1805–Mar. 3, 1809 | |
4. | James Madison | George Clinton | Mar. 4, 1809–Mar. 3, 1813 |
James Madison | Elbridge Gerry | Mar. 4, 1813–Mar. 3, 1817 | |
5. | James Monroe | Daniel D. Tompkins | Mar. 4, 1817–Mar. 3, 1825 |
6. | John Quincy Adams | John C. Calhoun | Mar. 4, 1825–Mar. 3, 1829 |
7. | Andrew Jackson | John C. Calhoun | Mar. 4, 1829–Mar. 3, 1833 |
Andrew Jackson | Martin Van Buren | Mar. 4, 1833–Mar. 3, 1837 | |
8. | Martin Van Buren | Richard M. Johnson | Mar. 4, 1837–Mar. 3, 1841 |
9. | William Henry Harrison | John Tyler | Mar. 4, 1841–Apr. 4, 1841 |
10. | John Tyler | .......................... | Apr. 6, 1841–Mar. 3, 1845 |
11. | James K. Polk | George M. Dallas | Mar. 4, 1845–Mar. 3, 1849 |
12. | Zachary Taylor | Millard Fillmore | Mar. 5, 1849–July 9, 1850 |
13. | Millard Fillmore | ............ | July 10, 1850–Mar. 3, 1853 |
14. | Franklin Pierce | William R. King | Mar. 4, 1853–Mar. 3, 1857 |
15. | James Buchanan | John C. Breckinridge | Mar. 4, 1857–Mar. 3, 1861 |
16. | Abraham Lincoln | Hannibal Hamlin | Mar. 4, 1861–Mar. 3, 1865 |
Abraham Lincoln | Andrew Johnson | Mar. 4, 1865–Apr. 15, 1865 | |
17. | Andrew Johnson | ............ | Apr. 15, 1865–Mar. 3, 1869 |
18. | Ulysses S. Grant | Schuyler Colfax | Mar. 4, 1869–Mar. 3, 1873 |
Ulysses S. Grant | Henry Wilson | Mar. 4, 1873–Mar. 3, 1877 | |
19. | Rutherford B. Hayes | William A. Wheeler | Mar. 4, 1877–Mar. 3, 1881 |
20. | James A. Garfield | Chester A. Arthur | Mar. 4, 1881–Sept. 19, 1881 |
21. | Chester A. Arthur | ............ | Sept. 20, 1881–Mar. 3, 1885 |
22. | Grover Cleveland | Thomas A. Hendricks | Mar. 4, 1885–Mar. 3, 1889 |
23. | Benjamin Harrison | Levi P. Morton | Mar. 4, 1889–Mar. 3, 1893 |
24. | Grover Cleveland | Adlai E. Stevenson | Mar. 4, 1893–Mar. 3, 1897 |
25. | William McKinley | Garret A. Hobart | Mar. 4, 1897–Mar. 3, 1901 |
William McKinley | Theodore Roosevelt | Mar. 4, 1901–Sept. 14, 1901 | |
26. | Theodore Roosevelt | ............ | Sept. 14, 1901–Mar. 3, 1905 |
Theodore Roosevelt | Charles W. Fairbanks | Mar. 4, 1905–Mar. 3, 1909 | |
27. | William H. Taft | James S. Sherman | Mar. 4, 1909–Mar. 3, 1913 |
28. | Woodrow Wilson | Thomas R. Marshall | Mar. 4, 1913–Mar. 3, 1921 |
29. | Warren G. Harding | Calvin Coolidge | Mar. 4, 1921–Aug. 2, 1923 |
30. | Calvin Coolidge | ............ | Aug. 3, 1923–Mar. 3, 1925 |
Calvin Coolidge | Charles G. Dawes | Mar. 4, 1925–Mar. 3, 1929 | |
31. | Herbert C. Hoover | Charles Curtis | Mar. 4, 1929–Mar. 3, 1933 |
32. | Franklin D. Roosevelt | John N. Garner | Mar. 4, 1933–Jan. 20, 1941 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt | Henry A. Wallace | Jan. 20, 1941–Jan. 20, 1945 | |
Franklin D. Roosevelt | Harry S. Truman | Jan. 20, 1945–Apr. 12, 1945 | |
33. | Harry S. Truman | ............ | Apr. 12, 1945–Jan. 20, 1949 |
Harry S. Truman | Alben W. Barkley | Jan. 20, 1949–Jan. 20, 1953 | |
34. | Dwight D. Eisenhower | Richard M. Nixon | Jan. 20, 1953–Jan. 20, 1961 |
Dwight D. Eisenhower | Lyndon B. Johnson | Jan. 20, 1961–Nov. 22, 1963 | |
36. | Lyndon B. Johnson | ............ | Nov. 22, 1963–Jan. 20, 1965 |
Lyndon B. Johnson | Hubert H. Humphrey | Jan. 20, 1965–Jan. 20, 1969 | |
37. | Richard M. Nixon | Spiro T. Agnew | Jan. 20, 1969–Dec. 6, 1973 |
Richard M. Nixon | Gerald R. Ford | Dec. 6, 1973–Aug. 9, 1974 | |
38. | Gerald R. Ford | ............ | Aug. 9, 1974–Dec. 19, 1974 |
Gerald R. Ford | Nelson A. Rockefeller | Dec. 19, 1974–Jan. 20, 1977 | |
39. | James Earl Carter | Walter F. Mondale | Jan. 20, 1977–Jan. 20, 1981 |
40. | Ronald Reagan | George Bush | Jan. 20, 1981–Jan. 20, 1989 |
41. | George Bush | Dan Quayle | Jan. 20, 1989–Jan. 20, 1993 |
42. | William J. Clinton | Albert Gore | Jan. 20, 1993–Jan. 20, 2001 |
43. | George W. Bush | Dick Cheney | Jan. 20, 2001–Jan. 20, 2009 |
44. | Barack H. Obama | Joseph R. Biden, Jr. | Jan. 20, 2009–Jan. 20, 2017 |
45 | Donald J. Trump | Michael Pence | Jan. 20, 2017–Jan. 20, 2021 |
46. | Joseph R. Biden, Jr. | Kamala D. Harris | Jan. 20, 2021–present |