About Japan country

If I ask you what is the color of a cold drink? You will say brown or black.
But friends today, the color of cold drink in the country I am going to describe to you is green.
The thing about this country is different because here you will not find burgers of brown color, but you will get the black color.
So today, the country we are going to tell you about, that country has taught the entire world how to become a hero with your hard work.
There you see both the sink and flash attached so that no water is wasted. Trains of this country run at a speed of 500 km per hour.
So we are talking about the island country of Japan.
Population of Japan
Japan population is about 13 crores and in terms of population, this country comes at number 11 among the big countries of the world.
If we talk about population density, then the density here is 347 per sq km.
92 percent people of this country live in the city while only 8 of percent people live in the village.
Japan on Map

Japan Flag

It shares its maritime border with China, North Korea, South Korea, the Philippines, Russia, Northern Mariana Islands and Taiwan.
Longest Life Span
Do you know Japanese people are the people with the longest life span in the world?
Yes, the average age of people here is 85 years. People here are super fit.
Now the question comes, how do people here stay so fit? What is the secret behind this? Do you know?
So, I tell you that a direct credit goes to the taste of the people here. Yes, friends, you will find green tea in everything here.
If there is anything important for the people here, it is green tea.
That is why I said that this country is the only country in the world where you get coke in green color because green tea is also added to it.
Green Tea
Tea is Japan's most traditional favorite drink.
Different types of tea are taken here from morning to evening and at different festivals and weekends.
About 100 types of tea are produced here.
Japan is the world's largest green tea sipper. Many types of teas are produced in Japan.

The quality of tea in this country is many times better and healthier than in other countries.
It is because these people do not use things like sugar and milk in their teas at all.
How much the craze of green tea in Japan is, you can guess from the same fact that the ice cream found here is also green.
When you drink so much green tea, there will be greenery in life.
Japan Food
Whether veg or non-veg, the people of Japan mostly eat only the things found in the sea.
They are fond of eating all kinds of sea creatures to the plants found in the sea.
Do you know that sea vegetables are 10 times more powerful than vegetables grown on land?
Fishes have many times more nutrients than chicken and red meat.
Let me tell you that Japan alone consumes 10 percent of the fish supply in the entire world every year.
Japanese people consume 1 lakh tons of sea weed in a year.
Sea-weeds are marine plants and only 1 cup of them contains 5 to 10 grams of protein and is also rich in Iodine and Potassium.

Eating noodles is very popular among the people here.
But the interesting thing is that the people here will be seen eating noodles and soup with a sipping sound.
It is the custom here that the louder a person makes, the more it means that he likes to eat as much.
Water Conservation
Awareness began of saving water in the whole world, but you will be happy to know that Japan took a big step in this matter years ago.
According to this step, you will get both the sink and flush of the washroom connected.
whenever you wash your hands in the sink, the water goes directly into the flush.

You can guess! How much Japanese people are innovative? Here, the woman who drives Scooty, carefully observes their helmet.
Special holes have been made in the helmet to keep her lock of hair in a comfortable position.
I am sorry (courtesy lover people)
In Japan, you can say "I am sorry" in 20 different ways.
Here, even if someone touches someone lightly, they say sorry three times. In some places, speaking sorry is considered a sign of weakness.
Conscious about Obesity in Japan
People are very conscious of obesity in Japan. Here you will see only sumo wrestlers being very fat but most of the people will look fit to you here.
People here are so serious about fitness that they drink Diet water.

This type of water will be available only in Japan. This diet water contains a lot of vitamins and minerals.
If you are in Japan, how can you forget the green tea that helps you slim down?
Cuddle Cafe
Cuddle Cafe is very popular in Japan. Do you know what happens in it?
This is a kind of massage parlor where beautiful girls give you relief by giving body massage, as well as being emotionally attached to you.
It is said that one who once went to Cuddle Cafe repeatedly knocks the gate here. If you also go to Japan then you can try it.
About Japanese Culture
A Tradition Similar to India
Many of the traditions here are similar to those of India.
For example, whenever a guest goes to someone's house in India, he removes his shoes or slippers outside the house.
No Swimsuit Allowed
People of Japan also remove shoes, slippers outside the host's house.
You may not like some of the traditions of Japan. People here take a bath in the swimming pool but wearing a swimsuit is not common among people.
People say that swimming pools with hot water do not require a swimsuit to take a bath, but they take a good bath to keep things hygienic.
Host Prepares Drink
There is a different kind of custom among the people of Japan. According to this custom, whenever Japanese gives a party in his house.
The host prepares the drink himself for all the guests who come to his house, but he does not prepare the drink for himself. Someone else will prepare a drink for him.
Facts about Japan Schools
The world's best education system is considered to be in Japan.
In this country, the focus is on giving practical knowledge more than bookish knowledge.
At the same time, only the children in the school here have to do cleaning, everything from cleaning to arranging, children do it themselves.
No Tip Culture
If you eat in any hotel or restaurant, there is no pressure on you to give a tip in the hotel or restaurant.
Nobody is given a tip in any form here. As per common thought, you eat food in the hotel, you were served and you paid for it instead.
Japan is far ahead in technology. There is no need to tell you how far ahead this country has gone.
The taxi here is also hi-tech, in which you do not need to close a gate. Here all works automatically.
Education System in Japan
In terms of Education, Japan is regarded as the most educated country in the world.
There is a 100 percent literacy rate and this is possible because the student's education system does not put any pressure on the student.
Here you are taught in a practical way, according to your desire.
Only then do the children study themselves on their own, in this modus operandi, we have to learn a lot from them.
Lifestyle of Japan
Living here is very different from other countries. There is love among the people here.
For your kind information, even if you live in Japan for a long. The Japanese government will never give you permanent citizenship.
There is a clear norm that the government here considers children born in its country as Japanese citizens whose parents are also Japanese.
In every country, there is good as well as bad which is also found in this country.
People here are suffering from depression at large. Do you know about Hikikomori?
It is a kind of depression syndrome, in which people lock themselves in a room. They separate themselves from society.
They make themselves alone and don't want to meet anyone. Gradually their depression level day by day reaches so high that they end themselves.
If you go to Japan, what is the place where you can visit, let me tell, the first is -

Mount Fuji
The highest mountain in Japan. There is no better place for trekking than it.
Its beautiful and cold weather attracts tourists. Thousands of foreign tourists come here to visit here.
Golden Pavilion :
Japan's Kinkakuji Temple of Golden Pavilion Jotto is one of the most popular places.
You can see this temple built in the middle of the pond and it changes its color every season. The pavilion is covered with a golden layer.
When it comes to light, it looks like a reflection of the golden palace in the pond.
Disneyland, Tokyo :
Happy to know that Disneyland in Tokyo, Japan's capital is the best place for children to have fun.
Elders with children can also enjoy swimming and walking on the beach.
Apart from this, one can enjoy Cinderella Castle, Disney sea, Magical Night and Illumination, and Family Disney Car.
Tokyo Tower :
This tower is inspired by the Eiffel Tower. Tourists come from far and wide to climb over it.
The beauty of the Tokyo tower doubles due to its sparkling light. You can have a lot of fun here, the picture will definitely click as a memorial.

Todaizi Temple :
Surrounded by beautiful gardens and wild creatures, you will be surprised to see the beauty of this temple.
It is famous for being the world's largest bronze Buddha's statue. Apart from this, deer can also be seen roaming freely in the plains.

Kumano Nachi Taisha
It is considered one of the most beautiful temples in a country like Japan.
One of the longest waterfalls in Japan can be seen flowing from this temple. It was built amidst the forests.