legal Marriage Age in India
The Indian Government has approved a proposal to increase the legal marriage age from 18 to 21 for females and the males.
The proposal, which is marketed as promoting women's rights, is based on suggestions from a task team that looked into factors such as
- The age of motherhood,
- The maternal mortality rate, and
- Nutritional levels.
The decision has prompted outrage across the country. Including AIMPLB members some others said called it against Indian social customs.
The average legal marriage age for boys is 17 and for girls is 16, according to reports, but several countries allow them, especially girls, to marry far younger.
Here's a look at some of the legal marriage ages in different nations and how they compare to India.
Estonia (only 15 years)
Estonia has the lowest marriage age in Europe, at 15 years old. The teenagers allowed to marry with parental approval in 15 years only.
Meanwhile, according to a report by the Independent States, the Spanish government declared in 2015 that it will raise the marriage age from 14 to 16 to stand with the rest of Europe.
The United Kingdom
In England and Wales, people can marry at the age of 18 or, with parental approval, at the age of 16 or 17.
According to a BBC article, there is no rule preventing religious or cultural rituals held under this age that are not registered with local councils.
Trinidad and Tobago
In Trinidad and Tobago, some girls might marry as young as 12 years old.
While the official marriage age for men and women is 18 years old.
Muslims and Hindus have their own Marriage Act, according to the US State Department's 2014 human rights report on Trinidad and Tobago.
Muslims can marry when they are 16 years old for men and 12 years old for girls, whereas Hindus can marry when they are 18 and 14.
Legal Marriage age in USA
Each state and territory in the United States set the marriage age, either by statute or by common law.
With the exception of Nebraska, where the general marriage age is 19, and Mississippi, where the general marriage age is 21, most states allow people to marry when they reach the age of 18.
In most states, the general marriage age is the age of majority; however, in Alabama, the general marriage age is 18 and the age of majority is 19.
In recent years, there has been a tendency toward decreasing the general marriage age and increasing the age at which women can marry to equal that of men.
According to reports, under "extraordinary circumstances" and with the permission of a court, Massachusetts permits girls as young as 12 to marry.
Marriage registration procedures in China have traditionally maintained an age limit.
Men's legal marriage age is currently 22 and women's legal marriage age is 20. However, there have been suggestions for decreasing the age limit.
At this year's annual Two Sessions, a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference's National Committee proposed reducing the legal marriage age to 18.
According to the Beijing Review, the suggestion triggered a debate on the internet, with supporters arguing that reducing the legal marriage age is important in China.
The number of marriage registrations has been decreasing for five years in a row.
It can help in increasing fertility in the face of an aging population and addressing the issue of a demographic imbalance.
Critics claim that at the age of 18, most people are still students and are not mature enough to marry. They also lack the financial resources to support a family.
Legal Marriage age in Japan
The boy must be 18 years of age or older and the girl must be 16 years of age or older.
Any person who is under 20 years of age cannot get married in Japan without a parent’s approval.
Most people related by blood, by adoption or through other marriages cannot get married in Japan.
A boy must be 18 years old or older, and a girl must be 16 years old. Under 20-year-olds cannot get married without their parents' permission.
People related by blood, adoption, or other marriages are not allowed to get married in Japan.
Niger - child marriage is legal.
In Niger, family law governs child marriage, which is a branch of law derived from a variety of sources, including the
- Civil Code,
- customs, and
- international legal documents.
The Civil Code sets an 18-year-old minimum age for boys and the 15-year-old minimum age for girls for marriage.
It emphasizing a considerable gender imbalance in the topic, but most marriages are conducted under customary law.
According to a Humanium survey, 76 percent of Niger's females marry before the age of 18, and 28 percent marry before the age of 15.
As per UNICEF report, Niger has the highest rates of child marriage in the world.
The children in rural areas are more affected than those in metropolitan ones.
Aside from that, educated girls are less likely to be exposed to this practice than those who were not able to attend school.
The girl is more likely to be subjected to this practice for economic reasons if her family is poor.
Both men and women must be 18 years old to marry. The bride and groom may or may not be related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
Both parties must have reached the age of 18 as of their previous birth date.
The couples should not have any type of relationship that is illegal under the law. No party should have entered into a lawful legal marriage at the time.
The marriageable age in Australia is 18 years, which is also the age of majority in all states.
Although in "rare and extraordinary situations," a person aged 16 or 17 can marry with parental permission and approval from a Magistrates Court.
A parent must file an application with the court.
The legal age to marry in Australia is 18 years old, according to the Marriage Act 1961 ("the Act").
However, there are some unique and unusual conditions in which a person can marry at the age of 16.
In Russia, the minimum age for marriage is 18 years old.
However, in some areas, it is customary for teenagers to marry before they reach the age of 18.
Some people marry as early as 14 years old. The legal marriage age in Moscow is 16 years, whereas in Bashkortostan it is only 14 years.
The child marriages also under practice in Chechnya.
The concept of child marriage has sparked legal and social debates in Russia in recent years.
Putin lowered the legal age of marriage in Bashkortostan to 14 in 20In For specific circumstances, such as teen pregnancy, the age of consent was reduced.
The legal conditions for marrying in Germany. In Germany, you must be at least 18 years old to marry.
There are a few various other factors if you or your partner are not German.
Before attending the town hall to declare your intention to marry, you must have lived in the area for at least 21 days.
In Germany, the legal marriage age is 18 years old. Since 2017, there has been a new German rule prohibiting anyone under the age of 18 from marrying.
There are no exceptions to this rule. It is applicable to all
The legal age to marry in France is 18 years of age, and minors can only marry with their parent's permission.
In order for the wedding to be valid, both future spouses must be present during the ceremony.
In France, a marriage must be performed by the mayor or one of his/her representatives at the town hall (Mairie).
Non-French nationals can marry in France, however divorcees and widows must wait 300 days following their divorce or the death of their spouse before remarrying (in case of pregnancy).
Marrying couples must be at least 18 years old, male and female, according to Philippine law.
If you or your fiancé are under the age of 25, parental consent or guidance is required.
Marrying partners must not be blood relatives (up to 4th degree).
These individuals also include ship captains, air traffic controllers, and others of a similar nature.
In the Philippines, military leaders and consul-generals have the authority to marry two people.
Two witnesses of legal age and consenting persons of at least eighteen years of age are still required.
A minor is defined as under the age of 18 in the newly established Child Rights Law.
The wedding age for both males and females is a minimum of 18 years.
Myanmar citizens can marry foreigners under Burmese law.
It used to be simple to do tasks. Simply take your case to a local court, and he will marry you.
However, for the past 20 years, local magistrates have declined to do so on the grounds that it is difficult to distinguish between genuine marriage and human trafficking.
The legal age of marriage in Bangladesh is 18 years for a female and 21 years for a male, according to the Child Marriage Restraint Act (1929).
According to the Act, the penalty for child marriage is one month of prison or a fine of up to 1,000 takas ($11.6) or both.
Legal Marriage age in Pakistan
A male had to be 18 years old to marry, and a girl had to be 16 years old (section 2).
The minimum age for female marriage has been raised to 18 under a new bill enacted by the Pakistani Senate.
A fine of Rs.1000 and a month's jail, or both, are the punishments for violating the law.